Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New perspectives from a neighbor

Found this via a retweet on Twitter and just had to post a blog on the same. So many great points about this video.

1. A reporter in Pakistan (a country we Indians have possibly lost all reasons to appreciate) takes time to acknowledge India's second PM Mr. Shastri for no particular reason but to highlight what is important in a true leader. Something we Indians only do either when his birthday comes or when the day he demised approaches or some other cliched national integration reason emerges.

2. The reporter highlights the honesty with which Mr. Shastri led his life both as a politician and the Prime Minister. A life's lessons in those 3 minutes for every minister who zips around today in imported cars and has a million unnamed properties to his credit.

3. It highlights the fact that a minister is accountable to the goings on his state to such an extent, that the slightest weakness in it or maligning of it will make him take it on an extremely personal level.

Oh I could go on and on. Such videos are quite rare in the media hungry world today that survives on celebrating the mediocre. Go take a look at this one to hopefully gain some new, much needed, perspective from the most unlikely of sources.

1 reflections:

Nona said...

Thanks for sharing this video
